Marpole Soccer Club is an inclusive organization dedicated to offering boys and girls of all abilities ages 5 to 17 an opportunity to play community soccer at a recreational or competitive level. We are dedicated to ALL OUR PLAYERS and their development and to promoting team ethics, sportsmanship, and the game of soccer.
Marpole Soccer Club is an organization dedicated to offering boys and girls 5 to 17 years of age an opportunity to play community soccer at a recreational or competitive level. We are dedicated to our players and their development and to promoting team ethics, sportsmanship and the game of soccer.
Marpole Soccer Club was founded in Vancouver over ninety years ago, in 1929. The Club was incorporated under the Society Act of British Columbia to promote and administer the game of soccer as a recreational and competitive activity in the Marpole area of the City of Vancouver. Marpole Soccer Club Society has teams for boys and girls aged 5 to 17. Micro soccer is for 5- to 6-year-olds; mini soccer is for kids between the ages of 7 and 10; 'Super 8' soccer for 10 to 11 and divisional soccer is for 12 to 17 year olds. For boys, competitive soccer starts at the U11 level, when assessments are used to select players for the Div 1 and Div 2 teams. For girls, Div 1, Div 2 and Div 3 are formed at U11, and competitive tryout teams start at U11.
We are proud that we are the first soccer club for Vancouver children and we will continue our mission to serve our community as a spot that players can spend time together in a fun soccer game and develop themselves both physically and mentally to be a successful adult in the future.